Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Inner Workings of gsSCENE

People ask all the time, "How exactly is gsSCENE run?" So, let me answer the question. gsSCENE is a program of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce. You do not have to be a member of the chamber to be a member of gsSCENE. The memberships are done on an individual basis, so being a member of the chamber does not make you a member of gsSCENE. Confused yet?

gsSCENE is run by a steering committee of young professionals who live and work on the Grand Strand. Every year, committee members rotate off and new committee members come on board. The steering committee is limited and those individuals are appointed by the chairman of the chamber board. This committee has the final say in all the events, functions and everything in between of gsSCENE. But most all gsSCENE ideas come from one of our subcommittees. These committees are made up of any gsSCENE members who would like to be involved. They are headed by a gsSCENE steering committee member. Now you must be confused?!

Bottom line, anyone who wants to play a role in what gsSCENE does can do so. We need all the help we can get! I am amazed at the ideas and suggestions we get every time we meet (and gsSCENE in some shape or form is always meeting!). So if you are still wondering how gsSCENE works, then let us know and participate in a committee. You would be amazed at all the people and resources it takes for gsSCENE to run!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Shuckin on the Strand is Success!

After months of planning, gsSCENE's Inaugural Oyster Roast, "Shuckin' on the Strand" proved to be worth all the time and energy. Held at Hot Fish Club on Saturday, Feb. 7 (a warm one I might add) we had over 400 people show up to shuck some oysters! Over 250 of those were nonmembers and we even generated 16 new members from the event.

Several media picked up the event and a recap will be featured in this weeks Myrtle Beach Herald and Carolina Forest Chronicle.

I must give it to Hot Fish Club who totally out did themselves with the buffet food they provided. BBQ sandwiches, crab dip and jambalaya just to get your taste buds going. Local oysters and shrimp by the bucket were sold out by the end of the day.

Stay tuned to check out pictures from the event on www.gsSCENE.com

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oyster Ready

As gsSCENE gears up for their first oyster roast, "Shuckin' on the Strand," the committee realizes that this event has grown into something huge! What originally started as an idea to bring oyster roasts similar to Charleston style, then moved to a gsSCENE exclusive event. Originally the event was going to be for gsSCENE members only. But then we realized how much people on the coast LOVE their oysters, we decided to go full speed and open it up to the community. With over 300 attendees expected, gsSCENE hopes that this event surpasses even our kick off at The Boathouse.

And not only can people enjoy oysters, live music and a bonfire. We are asking for people to bring goods to be donated to Helping Hand of Myrtle Beach. Suggested Items: Pork & Beans, Instant Potatoes, Kool Aid, Mac & Cheese, Cereal, Grits, Oatmeal, Deodorant & Toothpaste. Random? Yes, but hopefully we can have fun all while supporting a great cause.

So let's hold our breath and hope for good weather while we count down the days until Saturday!