by Robert Baso
July 25, 2012
About this time of year, I think it's important to discuss why business owners aren't getting out of the office, and what steps to take to get your business vacation-ready. It's also not just about discussing how to get out of the office, but why it's so important to take time away from your business.
We all know that times are tough. The positive effects of the mixed economic recovery have not trickled down from Wall Street to Main Street and consumer confidence is slowly worsening. Combine that with the uncertain political landscape, the upcoming elections, and the worry over the expiring Bush tax cuts as well as potential spending cuts, and there’s a whole list of excuses why not to leave the office.
On the flip side, as people see their business pick up and things get busier as orders come in or new clients come on, it's easy to say that you want to be on site and involved in the day-to-day activities to make sure that everything is running smoothly.
1. Test your contingency plan.
That's right—every business owner needs to have a plan in place for their staff to run the business in case of an emergency. If you've never implemented your contingency plan before or haven't in a while, this is the perfect reason to dust it off, update it, and make sure your staff is prepared to handle the day-to-day business in your absence, with minimal interruption of your vacation.
2. Take a step back can clear your perspective.
It's easy to get stuck on a problem and miss a simple, obvious solution. Sometimes being in the office day after day and week after week can cloud your perspective on changes that need to be made, policies that need to be scrapped, or partnerships that need to be forged. Taking a step back and recalibrating your business mindset can often lead to a more productive return to work.
3. Refocus your work/life balance.
It can be easy to push off a vacation or quality time with your family. But life will always be busy, your business will always need you, and there is never a perfect time to just get away. So make the decision to take a few days to focus on your family and reconnect with what’s really important—the people you love.
Whether it's a long weekend at Hershey Park or 10 days at sea, it's okay to take a few days away. Your staff and your clients will understand and your family will appreciate the time spent with them.
Small business expert Rob Basso is the founder of, a web-based community dedicated to inspiring the entrepreneurial spirit and getting American businesses back on their feet. He is the president and owner of Advantage Payroll Services, the region's largest independently owned payroll provider, and the author of The Everyday Entrepreneur. He can be reached at and make sure to purchase your copy of The Everyday Entrepreneur today!
Originally published July 2012. Reprinted by
permission,, July 2012.
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