Hopefully you have your card and hopefully you have tried to use it at any of the participating vendors. And a bigger hopefully is that they took the card and recognized it to give you the discount. When gsSCENE first came out with the membership cards, some establishments weren't accepting them. The cards were new, staff weren't aware of them or maybe they just missed the staff meeting where they were covered. BUT as the year has progressed, the cards are getting more attention and they actually work! No one wants to be that person that tries to get a discount and gets turned down, so some might not even try, but even if your waiter or waitress don't know about it, have them ask and chances are the discount will be honored.
Keep checking out the web in the next few weeks to see the NEW venues participating in the membership cards. Let's just say not only does gsSCENE allow you to network with all kinds of young professionals, but we also help you stay on your budget!